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mommys helping hands pt 3
Post #1
mommys helping hands pt 3
'hi dr how long before jack can have his casts off' julie asks 'well this is just a checkup to see how things are going it will be a while yet before they come off ' says the elderly lady dr board 'do you have any concerns anything i can help you with ?' 'uh no just want to get these casts off' says jack 'i have one question dr board is it usual for a young mans cock to get hard when his mother is holding it for him so he can pee ?' asks julie 'i just try to help him but he gets an erection everytime i hold his cock' 'well its not really normal whats wrong with you young man does your mothers hand on your cock excite you do you fantasise about her holding your cock ' asks dr board 'no its embarrasing i don't want to get hard it just happens' says jack going bright red 'well we may as well check it out while you are here stand up jack , julie please remove his jeans and pants lets see if we can see why its happening' says dr board 'uh please no its ok we can just go ' says jack 'don't be rude jack , dr board is just trying to help now stand up' says julie jack stands , julie kneels in front of him undoes his jeans pulls them down and his pants jack steps out of them standing bottemless in front of his mom and dr board 'spread your legs a little please ' says dr board pulling on a rubber glove jack spreads his legs dr board reaches out and grabs his balls gently massaging them 'just making sure everything is ok down here' says dr board 'why is your cock getting hard young man do you have some sort of fetish for older women ?' 'please i can't help it i don't know why its happening ' moans jack as dr board starts slowly wanking his hard cock 'ah i think i know what the problem is you are at the age where young men like to relieve themselves how often did you wank off before your accident daily ? twice a day ? more ?' asks dr board still wanking jacks hard cock 'um uh i didn't' gasps jack 'don't lie all young men wank off unless you had a slut fucking you is that it ?' asks dr board wanking jacks cock harder 'no i'm a virgin honest i never had sex with anyone' gasps jack 'please you are going to make me cum' dr board stops wanking and lets go of jacks cock jack thrusts forward as if he is trying to fuck the air his cock bobs up and down but he doesn't get any release just a few dribbles of precum drip from the end of his cock 'so how often did you wank off before the casts were on ? daily ?' 'uh yes' dr board 'more than once a day ?' 'uh yes sometimes 3 or 4 times a day' dr board 'so you need release these balls of yours need emptying at least 3 times a day have they been emptied today yet ?' dr board asks jack squeezing his balls 'no not yet please i don't need it i'm fine' jack says 'don't be silly is nothing to be embarresed about , julie would you please wank him off while i watch just to make sure he gets the release he needs' julie takes hold of jacks still hard cock and starts gently wanking it 'we might as well get a sample while you are here for testing here please get his cum in this beaker' dr board hands a beaker to julie 'tell me before you cum so i can hold the beaker in front of your cock ' julie says to jack dr board presses the button on the intercom on her desk 'please send dr martin in here asap' she tells her secretary 'please no no-one else in here please its embarrasing enough as it is ' begs jack going bright red 'be quiet young man its just an experiment i want to know if your cock only gets hard when older ladies hold it for you ' says dr board theres a knock at the door and a young male dr enters 'hello dr martin , jack here is having problems everytime his mother tries to hold his cock so he can pee it gets hard , i noticed the same thing when i was examining him his cock got hard straight away ' said dr board 'i see how can i help ?' says dr martin 'well we need a sample of his sperm so i was wondering if you could take over wanking him lets see if he stays hard while a man is holding his cock' says dr board 'what a great idea ' says julie taking her hand off jacks hard cock 'please don't i don't need to cum its fine please leave my cock alone ' begs jack tears running down his face 'well i don't mind helping out ' says dr martin 'just stand still and behave yourself jack let dr martin do his job' says julie dr martin puts on a pair of gloves stands next to jack and takes hold of jacks hard dripping cock in one hand starts wanking it while jack cries 'did you check his back passage ?' dr martin asks dr board wanking jacks cock 'not yet ' says dr board dr martin keeps wanking jacks cock with one hand and reaches around behind jack with his other hand probing jacks arsehole with a finger pushing on jacks opening 'please no please don't ' begs jack dr martin keeps applying preasure and his finger slips up jacks arse hole 'oh no please i'm going to cum ' jack gasps julie quickly holds the beaker in front of jacks cock dr martin wanks jacks cock harder and starts finger fucking jacks arsehole jack groans and shoots a huge load into the beaker wad after wad of thick creamy cum spurts out of his cock into the beaker dr martin lets go of jacks cock and pulls his finger out of jacks arse with a plop 'i think he enjoyed that' said julie 'he doesn't cum as hard as that when i wank him off does that make him gay' she asks dr board 'no i just think he's been storing his cum up all day havn't you young man? ' dr board asks jack 'i'm not gay it was just a lot saved up' jack gasps still crying 'thank you dr martin thats all we needed you for ' says dr board 'jack i think you should thank dr martin as well don't you?' 'uh thank you dr martin ' jack moans dr martin leaves the room , julie hands the beaker of cum to dr board 'so is there anything to worry about ?' asks julie 'anything i need to do ?' 'i think you should relieve him at least 4 times a day until he stops getting hard while you hold his cock , give him a wank 1st thing in the morning and last thing before he goes to bed then another couple of times during the day at least , also everytime he needs a pee if he gets hard give him a wank then as well those balls need draining otherwise it will be uncomfortable for him , if you don't have time to do it yourself maybe you could get a neighbour or friend to help out as long as those balls get emptied , he doesn't seem to mind who does it for him his own mother or another old lady or a young man anyone will do' 'thank you dr board come on jack lets get home' julie helps jack into hiw pants and jeans then they leave the room dr board picks up the beaker of jacks cum and drinks it with a smile |
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